Friday, January 22, 2010

Moga dalam JagaanNya..

Yes, turn sadness into tenderness
Make your nature your strength

Even with some hesitations

You have to take the first step

Try again

Always answer to some people's expectation

Is it because you like to receive the praise?

After becoming the ideal person of your dream

Can you still have the same brilliant smile?

Hold the dream only in the beginning

Then you have to work hard

The important things are always intangible

When you obtain or lose them

You don't have to feel hurt

Yes, turn sadness into tenderness

Make your nature your strength

Even with some hesitations

You have to take the first step!

After a quite some time, got the news.
Just miss him..
Take care my dear akh..
Moga dalam jagaan Allah sentiasa.
Musafir kita seiringkanlah bersama niat yang ikhlas..
Moga pulangmu dari bumi anbiya itu suatu hari nanti bersama ilmu penuh di dada.. menjadi pewaris pejuang agamaNya kelak.. InsyaAllah..

p/s: Dedicated this song to him.. Jange lupe tepon umah dan antar berita sokmo ye (^_^).. -Oni san-

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